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President of the nonprofit social organisation "New thinking in medicine".
Since June, 2001 Prof. Knyaseva M.has been President of the nonprofit social organisation"New thinking in medicine".
There are 6 representetives who established a nonprofit social organisation"New thinking in medicine". Among them are: professor-oncogynicologist Pavlova T.D.- experienced clinicist; Antonenko G.D.- experienced cytologist, the Head of the Clinical diagnostic laboratory of the Policlinic in the Kharkov region oncology Dispensary whose work is connected with the problem of prophylactic and early diagnostic of the cancer diseases of the uterus since 1973; Cherevatova S.H.- the Head of the isotope laboratory in the Institute of Mother's and Child's health defence; Knyasev V.A.- a lowyer, Director of private Firm "Audite-Mission", who ran into oncological problems in his own family; he is ready to help to nonprofit social organisation "New thinking in medicine"; Knyaseva A.- the 6th year- Student of Kharkov Medical University, who dreams of becoming an oncogynicologist; she is an active member of the Students science oncological organization, she is a representetive of a young generation
The organisation is going to elaborate medical projects aiming at improving the health of Ukrainian Population. Moreover organization and its leader are looking forward to getting money to realize these projects.
Our medical project
"Prophylactic and early diagnostic of the cancer diseases of women's reproductive system. XXI centure". This problem is very important for Ukraine in general and for Kharkov region particularly. Organisation proposes the way of improving of oncological situation dealt with women's reproductive system and invites everybody to take part in the project.
The information about organization included into the book "Chronicle of social movement in Kharkov region. People. Events. Facts.".-Kharkov, 2003.-P.203-204;467.

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